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= Change Gang
This is a rough draft of one implementation of the For Product organizational form.
Find raw land for sale that can be used to build a permacultured private city.
Verify which essential goods and services can be produced at that location.
Issue Product Tickets🎫 representing those future goods and services.
Auction Product Tickets🎫 to secure the land and tools without debt.
Issue Source Titlesâ–¦ representing small amounts of land ownership.
Issue Work Agreements📃 representing commitments to achieve that production.
Auction Source Titles▦ to secure Work Agreement📃 signatures.
If both auctions succeed, buy land and tools and announce the first day of work.
Vest Source Titlesâ–¦ to workers as the first round-of-production is completed.
Workers own the Source Titles▦ used to fulfill Product Tickets🎫 they bought.
==User Interface
"'Buy Product Ticket🎫'" [This is like rewards-based crowdfunding.]
Pay with future work or money to receive a time-delayed good or service.
Workers implicitly trade with other workers in this way. (work-for-work)
"'Bid-to-sign Work Agreement📃'" [Pay with future work.]
Test to qualify or use the apprenticeship program. (work-to-learn)
Receive a Basic Outcome of essential goods and services. (sign-to-use)
Workers gain Source Titles▦ as Work Agreements📃 are completed. (work-to-own)
Source Titleâ–¦ owners receive future products without purchase. (own-to-use)
"'Define New Product Ticket🎫'" [Create a crowdfun (sic) campaign.]
List work and sources required to begin production.
List delivery schedules and production constraints.
List pollution and any unavoidable externalities.
Change (your version of) a proposal to vote on implementation details.
"'Issue Source Titlesâ–¦'" [Land acquisition and allocation.]
Show map of land for sale, with default being nearest that user.
Zoom in to see water rights and zoning restrictions.
Show Product Ticket🎫 proposals and funding status.
Change (your version of) a map to vote on the layout.